articles, java

Is Java Windows for Unix?

Is Java Windows for Unix? by ZDNet‘s Paul Murphy — The key conceptual difference between C and Java as used in business applications development and run-times is simply this: the C you learn in school is the C you find in things like Solaris, but the Java you learn in school has very little, if anything, to do with the Java you see in things like Sun’s identity management packages.


Sun Buys MySQL, Gets Oracle for an Enemy

Sun Buys MySQL, Gets Oracle for an Enemy
— Sun, Oracle’s sometimes best friend, turned into an Oracle competitor this morning when it said it was buying MySQL, the open source database that’s part of the famous LAMP stack. It’s paying a billion dollars. MySQL was supposed to go public this year but picked the easier monetization route. Sanford C. Bernstein estimates MySQL?s financial position at breakeven on $60 million-$80 million on trailing 12-month revenues although over 100 million copies of the database have been downloaded. Sun is paying $800 million cash for MySQL’s stock and assuming about $200 million in options. But Sun has been known to overpay for acquisitions before. Remember its fatal $2 billion Cobalt Networks deal?

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