java, technology

Which is the Hottest Java Web Framework?

The “Break it Down” Blog has a lengthy post on Which is the Hottest Java Web Framework? Or Maybe Not Java? Comparing Java Web Frameworks is hard because so many people are passionate about the framework they know best. Add a couple more like Flex and Ruby on Rails and its downright difficult. Nevertheless, this post is good in that it contains a lot of pretty trend graphs and it looks like the author has done some good research. It’s likely the folks that will scream foul are the ones that did poor in the comparison (Tapestry and Stripes, I’m talking about you).

Surprising among the top Java Web Frameworks is the rise of Struts 2. Which is much more interesting I think is how Wicket adoption has stayed almost flat while Struts2 adoption has spiked. Spring MVC/WebFlow seems to be going no where fast and racing JBoss Seam there.The popularity of Struts 2 really caught me off guard with it being quite a bit different from Struts 1, I figured it got thrown into the “just another web framework” category, but I guess there is something in a name and it’s doing quite well.

Regardless of what one might think of the post and trends, one has appreciate the amount of time the author invests in the work.

apis, java

Introducing Apache Wicket

When you’re learning a new technology or framework, it’s helpful to gain an understanding of the terms and concepts, then move on to how the pieces come together. “Introducing Apache Wicket,” by Nick Heudecker, approaches Apache Wicket by presenting the core concepts behind the framework, and moves to reinforce those concepts with an example leveraging some of Wicket’s strengths.

apis, java

OpenSwing Framework

OpenSwing is an open source library of advanced Swing components, including many controls like multi-line label control, numeric field, currency field, calendar, grid, properties grid, tree, tree combined with a grid, lookup, buttons with image, combo-box, combo-box multi-column, radio button, check-box, list, list multi-column, wizard panel, image panel, splash screen, dialog windows, tip of the day frame, progress bar/panel/dialog, license agreement panel, alert window, iconifyable window.

It is also a framework that provides data binding mechanism between components and data model, based on the MVC paradigm. Data model is based on Java Beans (POJOs) and it is supported in all OpenSwing components, such as Grid control or components container.

Using OpenSwing it is possible to develop both Desktop applications and Rich Internet Applications, i.e. two tier and three tier applications. Spring, Hibernate and iBatis integration with OpenSwing is available too.


Official site:
Demo ERP application based on OpenSwing:




Developing Ajax-based Java applications

Developing Ajax-based Java applications


This Tech Talk provides an overview of the ICEfaces framework, which is designed to add AJAX to JSF based on a technology called Direct-to-DOM Rendering. This approach allows a web application to be rendered entirely on the server side. The browser essentially acts as a remote control to a server-side rendering of the DOM – making the AJAX capabilities transparent to the developer. Developers can work in a pure JSF programming model, have no exposure to JavaScript development or any of the low-level intricacies of AJAX and still get the full rich web capability.

apis, java

J2EE pattern oriented framework (Jt)

Jt1.8 has been released. Jt is a lightweight pattern oriented framework for the rapid implementation of J2EE applications. Jt has been utilized in several large mission critical systems. Jt is based on a messaging design pattern. Jt also implements many well-known patterns including Data Access Objects (DAO), GoF design patterns and J2EE patterns. This framework supports several BPM and J2EE technologies including jBPM, Struts, Java Server Pages (JSPs), AJAX, JDBC, Hibernate, Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), JMS, JavaMail, XML and Web Services.

Main Features:

Jt1.8 features integration with the Hibernate implementation of Data Access Objects (DAO). A Jt adapter provides a transparent interface between the Jt framework and Hibernate DAOs.

Additional features include:

• Jt is a pattern oriented framework. Jt implements many well-known design patterns. This includes Data Access Objects (DAO), adapters for several J2EE APIs, Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns and J2EE patterns.

• Jt implements a messaging pattern/API: framework objects are able to interchange information and perform computations by sending, receiving and processing messages. The messaging paradigm provides additional encapsulation and software simplicity. The messaging API implemented by the Jt Framework is very simple: very few calls are required to create, manipulate and destroy messages and objects. On the other hand, this API is very powerful.

• Integration with the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern and Ajax. Universal Jt components and adapters provide a transparent interface between the Jt framework API and these technologies. The business logic (controller piece) can be implemented using Jt framework components and/or BPM business processes.

• Support for the XML API via XML helpers. Framework objects can be converted to/from the XML format.

• Built-in logging/debugging capabilities. Messages between framework objects are automatically logged. This simplifies the debugging and testing tasks.

Jt’s online documentation can be found at
