
Reach Your Doctor

The latest from Mapunity, Reach Your Doctor is a simple Patient, Appointment & Consultation Management Software for your practice. Everything you need to get your practice online, track your appointments, consultation details and client interactions in one convenient, secure and easy to use place. Help your clients find you and book online 24/7.

What’s Reach Your Doctor all about?

The chances are that you already use a calendar for booking your appointments. Maybe you just write everything down in your diary, maybe you use a calendar like outlook or iCal. While these are great for booking general appointments, they aren’t integrated with your client and consultation history.

Reach Your Doctor provides you with a simple system for managing appointments with weekly views. This view allows you to create and edit appointments quickly. The appointments system in Reach Your Doctor is constantly evolving as we progress and we’re always ready to hear about ideas that will make it work better for you.

You probably also take notes during and after a consultation but how easy is it to refer to these later on ? Can you access them from anywhere, any time ? Are they safe, secure and most importantly – are they backed up?

What if your clients could find you and book a confirmed appointment 24/7 within minutes ?

More Organised for a Better Service to Your Clients

Reach Your Doctor helps you manage the day to day activities of your practice, focused around your clients, appointment management and consultations. It helps to keep you organised and provides better visibility of your practice which in turn should help you better service your clients.

We’ve also recently introduced the ability for practices to get a simple web presence with profiles for each practitioner and most importantly, the ability for clients book appointments 24/7. This is an area we plan to expand on considerably in future releases giving you more control and flexibility over your practice website and content. If you’re interested in seeing what we have planned for the future, checkout our roadmap.

Want more info? Take the tour

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Timely reminders for your child’s health

Mapunity is working to put together simple information platforms for promoting public health. The first initiative in this effort is Vaccidate, a free online and mobile-based alerting service that remind parents and guardians about the vaccination schedules for their children.

Parents can register to Vaccidate service free of cost by sending an SMS
VACC <space> Date of Birth (in DD MM YY format) to 52225

or by logging to the site

The recommended vaccination schedule for any given date of birth is used to create alerts on both web and mobile platforms.
