books, downloads, reading

Download Your Selections From 2 Million eBooks for the Month of July

4th annual e-book fair is going on World eBook Fair from July 4 to August 4. About 2 million pdf books are available for free download.

Project Gutenberg has been joined by The World Public Library and Digital Pulp Publishing, Internet Archive, along with Jim Baen [R.I.P.], in the creation of The World eBook Fair which hopes to bring you, and everyone else, a downloadable collection of 1/2 million eBooks in October, in honor of, what else, International Book Fair Month. Most of these eBooks are to be given away free of charge, but as requested by readers of The First World eBook Fair, more modern, and thus commercial, eBooks are to be a feature of The Second World eBook Fair.

4th annual e-book fair is going on from July 4 to August 4. About 2 million pdf books are available for free download.

This is a very good opportunity to download (and read!) as many e-Books as you want. So, make good use of it.

After the completion of this fair, the same collection will be available for an annual membership fee of $8.95. So, grab the opportunity. …. 🙂

Our goal is to provide Free public access for a month to 2 Million eBooks. During the rest of the year you may continue to download your selection of about 500,000 PDF eBooks by joining the World Public Library. Annual membership is only $8.95 per year.

articles, java

Is Java Windows for Unix?

Is Java Windows for Unix? by ZDNet‘s Paul Murphy — The key conceptual difference between C and Java as used in business applications development and run-times is simply this: the C you learn in school is the C you find in things like Solaris, but the Java you learn in school has very little, if anything, to do with the Java you see in things like Sun’s identity management packages.


Java vs. C++: A Critical Comparison

In the article, a critical comparison, the author Robert C. Martin compares and contrasts Java and C++. This article is simply a discussion of the differences in the two languages, and not a diatribe against one language or another. It becomes really necessary for new Java programmers who are moving from C++ to understand these differences as it is going to help them see the problem with a new perspective.


A Critical Comparison


JSF in Action

JavaServer Faces (JSF, or simply “Faces”) makes it easy to develop web applications by bringing support for rich, powerful user interface components (such as text boxes, list boxes, tabbed panes, and data grids) to the web development world. A child of the Java Community Process, JSF is destined to become a part of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). This book will help you understand exactly what JSF is, how it works, and how you can use it in your projects today.



Satish Jacob from Hotel Palestine, Baghdad: Pages from a War Diary



        Satish Jacob was the only Indian correspondent in Baghdad during the US-led was to topple the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein. From Baghdad’s Hotel Palestine, Satish’s spirited reports were the only eyewitness accounts of the drama of those days on Indian television. They were also special in that his perception of the events differed significantly from that of the Western media more prone to accept uncritically the invading armies’ version of events.                        

        In From Hotel Palestine, Satish Jacob writes of anation devastated on a whim, and explains Iraq’s role in the Arab world, the complex relationships that divide the region’s Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Above all, he applauds the courage of the Iraqis in this war of unequals, and shows us that while Saddam may be a loathsome monster for some, he is a nation-builder like Turkey’s Ataturk to others.

books, reading

Fast Track to Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) 5.0 Upgrade Exam

If you’d like to learn the new features in Java SE 5.0 and pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer Upgrade Exam (CX-310-056), then this book is for you. It covers all the Java SE 5.0 new features required in the exam. You don’t need to read about the existing features that you already know. 117 review questions and mock exam questions are included.


Get the book



A tutorial on character code issues

If you are looking for some quick help in using a large character repertoire in HTML authoring, see the document Using national and special characters in HTML.

Several technical terms related to character sets (e.g. glyph, encoding) can be difficult to understand, due to various confusions and due to having different names in different languages and contexts. The EuroDicAutom online database can be useful: it contains translations and definitions for several technical terms used here.


-> tutorial <-

