books, downloads, reading

Download Your Selections From 2 Million eBooks for the Month of July

4th annual e-book fair is going on World eBook Fair from July 4 to August 4. About 2 million pdf books are available for free download.

Project Gutenberg has been joined by The World Public Library and Digital Pulp Publishing, Internet Archive, along with Jim Baen [R.I.P.], in the creation of The World eBook Fair which hopes to bring you, and everyone else, a downloadable collection of 1/2 million eBooks in October, in honor of, what else, International Book Fair Month. Most of these eBooks are to be given away free of charge, but as requested by readers of The First World eBook Fair, more modern, and thus commercial, eBooks are to be a feature of The Second World eBook Fair.

4th annual e-book fair is going on from July 4 to August 4. About 2 million pdf books are available for free download.

This is a very good opportunity to download (and read!) as many e-Books as you want. So, make good use of it.

After the completion of this fair, the same collection will be available for an annual membership fee of $8.95. So, grab the opportunity. …. 🙂

Our goal is to provide Free public access for a month to 2 Million eBooks. During the rest of the year you may continue to download your selection of about 500,000 PDF eBooks by joining the World Public Library. Annual membership is only $8.95 per year.


Exciting Technologies Coming to Linux

The first half of 2009 is over and after your summer vacation, you might want to start gearing up for the new distro releases. Once again open source proved that developers collaborating all over the world deliver constant platform improvement. Let’s see what they have in store for us this time.

USB 3.0

USB_3.0This new bus specification promises a speed of 5 Gigabits per second, about 10 times faster than USB 2.0. And the first operating system to get a USB 3.0 driver is GNU/Linux, specifically, kernel 2.6.31 (scheduled for September).

Ubuntu to support Google Android applications

With a user base of roughly 2 million and more than 20 Android-powered  devices coming this year, Google’s mobile operating system may become a force to be reckoned with. Developers will embrace the platform and given time, Android’s Market will contain hundreds of thousands of applications. Well, at least that is the direction in which the Ubuntu dev team is thinking. They plan to introduce an easy way to port Android apps over to their flagship Linux distribution. While most applications will be useless on a desktop machine, there might be some apps that, with their small size and modest memory consumption, might do a certain task much better than its Ubuntu-native equivalent.

Source: Internetling

firefox, internet, JavaScript

Highly Critical Security Vulnerability Found in Firefox 3.5

Secunia reports of a new, unpatched, and highly critical security hole in Firefox 3.5 (possibly in other versions, too) that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on the victim’s computer.

The vulnerability is caused due to an error when processing JavaScript code handling; for example, one could use simple HTML “font” tags to cause a memory corruption and then run arbitrary code.

Until Mozilla addresses this vulnerability, here’s a temporary fix: Type about:config in Firefox‘ address bar, and set “javascript.options.jit.content” to “false.”

Read the details about this security issue here.

Highly Critical Security Vulnerability Found in Firefox 3.5

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science & technology, space

Did you send your name to Mars

Now you can. NASA now gives anyone the opportunity to send their name to Mars. Just enter your name, country and zip code into the form, and your name – along with many others – will be included in a microchip on the Mars Science Laboratory rover which will be heading to Mars in 2011. I just did and this is the “Certificate of Participation”.


But there is one problem. There is no data validation of the form. First of all, there’s no captcha, and the form accepts nearly anything, even very long entries. Check out some cool examples here and here, and hurry up if you really want your name to be on Mars because I suspect that the form might stop accepting new entries soon.


Google Voice Apps For Android And Blackberry Are Here

Google Voice, previously called Grand Central, is rolling out the first mobile apps for the service this evening. The main function of the apps is to make it easier to use your Google Voice phone number by automatically routing outbound calls through Google and to the recipient. We first mentioned they were coming last month when we broke the news that Google would start letting users port their phone numbers over to the Voice product sometime this year.

The basic idea around GrandCentral is one phone number for all your phones, for life. As we change jobs, homes and cell phones, there are a lot of phone numbers to keep track of, and keeping everyone up to date with your most recent phone numbers.

gvandroidGoogle Voice users get a phone number that should be the only number you give out to people. You route calls to mobile, home and other phones based on who’s calling and when.

Two apps are being released this morning, for Blackberry and Android phones. The Android app is the most complete and takes over the native dialer, address book and call log. Users won’t be bothered with accidentally dialing numbers through the device phone number. The Blackberry app is less integrated, accessing only the native address book, and uses its own dialer. Users can’t simply go into the call log and return missed calls. They need to go back to the address book and select Google Voice to make the call. Still, it solves a big problem.

The apps also allow users to access the core features of Google Voice. Listen to/read voicemails and text messages (all voicemails are automatically transcribed as well), access call history, send SMS messages and place international calls at low rates.

Google Voice Apps For Android And Blackberry Are Here

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google, internet

Google to launch Google Chrome OS

Google announced on their blog that they’re releasing an operating system: Google Chrome OS. While the company already has a mobile operating system in Android (Android), this new one will be based off of Chrome (Chrome), Google’s web browser.

According to Google, the open source OS will available later next year and is primarily targeted at netbooks to start. From the Google blog:

“Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010. Because we’re already talking to partners about the project, and we’ll soon be working with the open source community, we wanted to share our vision now so everyone understands what we are trying to achieve.”

It is designed to be a lightweight system, just like the Chrome browser. Google promised that the user interface will be minimal to stay out of your way, and most of the user experience takes place on the web.

Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips.

“The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. All web-based applications will automatically work and new applications can be written using your favorite web technologies. And of course, these apps will run not only on Google Chrome OS, but on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux thereby giving developers the largest user base of any platform.”

Clearly though, Google’s setting the stage for a major battle with Microsoft. Just as Microsoft is trying to break Google’s stranglehold on the search engine market, Google may be trying to do the same with the Windows-controlled market.
